Technical Support for ASEBA® Software Products
Can I use a subset of the items on the forms?
Reprinting our forms with less than the full complement of items is a violation of our copyright.
We do not generally permit use of subsets of ASEBA problem items, because the data obtained with subsets would not be comparable to the normative, reliability, and validity data obtained with the standard set of items. The results obtained with subsets of items would also differ from the results obtained with the standard sets of items that have been used in thousands of studies.
Possible Exceptions:
1. We would consider requests to omit up to about 8 problem items for special reasons, e.g., omission of alcohol and sex-related items for Muslim respondents.
2. We would consider requests to omit open-ended responses to items that specify “describe” (e.g., items 2, 9, 29) and to omit CBCL and TRF items 113 that request the respondent to write in additional problems.
3. We would consider requests to use subsets of competence and adaptive functioning items.
4. We would consider requests to omit the demographic items at the beginning of each form, although age and gender are needed to score scales in relation to age/gender norms.
You may not modify, copy, or reprint our ASEBA forms without explicit written permission from us. For more details, see You may apply for a site license if you need to modify a form for one of the possible exceptions above.
If time is limited, you may want to use just the behavior problems. Our computer entry programs will allow you to enter and score just the behavior problems, and will create profiles based on those items. Simply cross out the sections of the forms that you do not want the respondent to complete.