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How are clinical interpretations and decisions for a particular individual made on the basis of norms for particular societies?
< 1 min read
Answer: Chapters 2, 3, and 4 illustrate clinical interpretations and decisions for a variety of cases. Briefly stated, if norms for more than one society may be relevant to a particular individual, you can display the individual’s scores in relation to norms for each society. You can then see whether the individual’s scores on particular scales are consistently in the normal, borderline, or clinical ranges according to the norms for the different societies. If the scores are consistently in the same range according to norms for different societies, your interpretations and decisions would be the same according to the different sets of norms. If the individual’s scores are not consistently in the normal, borderline, or clinical range according to the norms for different societies, you should apply your knowledge of the particular case and the likely consequences of different decisions when drawing your conclusions.