Technical Support for ASEBA® Software Products
What training do I need to use the ASEBA forms?
1 min read
Qualifications for Administration
Our forms are designed to be self-explanatory. No special qualifications are needed for administering these forms beyond the tact and sensitivity that are necessary in all dealings with parents, teachers, children, and other clients. The forms require no more than a 5th grade reading level. They can also be administered orally to parents or youths whose reading skills are poor. When someone is asked to complete a form, it is helpful to explain that the aim is to obtain a picture of the subject’s behavior as that respondent sees it. Any limits on confidentiality and the intended use of the data should also be explained to the respondent.
Qualifications for Scoring
Each of our forms can be scored either by hand or by computer. Hand-scored profiles and computer programs are available for each of our forms. See our current catalog for more information. Please note that the online version of our catalog requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Prior to scoring, each form should be checked by a person who has been trained to follow our instructions carefully, including how to handle items that request descriptions of behavior. This quality control step is essential whether the scoring is to be done by hand or by key-entry into a computer. The forms can be hand-scored by following our instructions and using our profiles. Alternatively, our computer scoring programs provide instructions that can be followed by users familiar with basic computer procedures.
Qualifications for Interpretation
The proper clinical and research use and interpretation of our materials requires knowledge of the theory and methodology of standardized assessment procedures, as well as supervised training in working with parents, children, and other clients. The training required may differ according to the ways in which the data are to be used. Graduate training of at least the Master’s degree level would ordinarily be expected. However, no amount of prior training can substitute for professional maturity and a thorough familiarity with the procedures and cautions presented in our Manuals. Please see those Manuals for additional specific information:
We require all purchasers of our materials to furnish evidence of their qualifications by completing a User Qualifications Form:
Additional Qualifications for use of the SCICA
In addition to knowledge of the theory and methodology of standardized assessment, administration of the SCICA requires supervised training in clinical interviewing of children and adolescents. Our standards are consistent with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (1999) endorsed by the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education. Users are expected to adhere to the ethical principles of organizations such as the American Psychological Association, National Association of School Psychologists, and American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
We require all purchasers of the SCICA to furnish evidence of their qualifications by completing a User Qualifications Form: