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What was the basis for the adaptive functioning multicultural norm groups?
< 1 min read
Answer: For each ASR adaptive functioning scale, we computed T scores for a super sample comprising the ASRs from all 17 societies. As detailed in Chapter 5, we then computed each society’s mean T score for that scale and averaged the society’s T scores from the five adaptive functioning scales to obtain an overall T score for each society. Thereafter, we averaged the 17 societies’ mean T scores to obtain the omnicultural mean and the SD of the omnicultural mean T score. Groups 1, 2, and 3 were created on the basis of mean T scores >1 SD below the omnicultural mean, within +1 SD of the omnicultural mean, and >1 SD above the omnicultural mean. The same procedure was applied to the mean of the T scores of the two adaptive functioning scales scored from the ABCL.