Technical Support for ASEBA® Software Products
Preschool Age Forms
- How do I score or view a report?
- Can the CBCL be filled out by people other than parents?
- How are clinical interpretations and decisions for a particular child made on the basis of norms for particular societies?
- For assessing immigrant children, how should I choose whether to display scale scores in relation to norms for the child’s home society or the host society?
- For immigrants, how should I choose whether to display scale scores in relation to norms for the child’s home society or the host society?
- Why aren’t multicultural norms available for the hand-scored CBCL and C-TRF profiles?
- What norms should I use for CBCLs and C-TRFs completed by people from societies that are not listed in Table 2-1?
- What if only the pre-2000 edition of the CBCL/1½-5 is available in a particular language?
- What translations of ASEBA forms are available?
- Whose consent is needed before bar graph comparisons of scale scores are shown to clients?
- On item 113. Please write in any problems the child has that were not listed above, what should be done if a respondent describes a problem that is specified elsewhere on the problem list?
- Don’t certain items involve subjective judgments, such as 35. Feels worthless or inferior and 53. Feels too guilty?
- What are the “DSM-oriented” scales?
- For longitudinal research how can correlations be computed between the preschool scores and subsequent scores on the school-age forms?
- If the preschool forms are completed for a child and the school-age CBCL or TRF is completed when the child is older, how can the scores from the earlier and later assessments be compared?
- What is the earliest age at which expressive language delays can be identified?
- For longitudinal research, how can deviance on the preschool scales be analyzed in relation to deviance on the school-age scales scored later for the same children?
- Can daycare providers fill out the LDS?
- Should the LDS be used if a language other than English is spoken in the home?
- Can the parent include words the child says imitatively?
- What if the child uses a word such as “brush” to indicate an action, but the word is listed under the category of “Personal” words?
- Can the LDS be used for children older than 35 months?
- What if the parent writes down words that are not among the 310 on the vocabulary list?
- What if the parent writes that the child produces phrases or sentences but does not give any examples?
- How accurate are parents’ reports of vocabulary?
- Should there be separate norms for mothers’ and fathers’ CBCL/1.5-5 ratings or for different ethnic groups?
- Why are there separate cutpoints for boys vs girls for the vocabulary score but not for average length of phrases?
- How much of a change in a child’s score on a scale should be considered “real” change?
- How do the 2001 school-age forms differ from the previous editions?
- What if the respondent scores two different items when his/her comments indicate that they refer to exactly the same problem?
- On item 100. Please write in any problems the child has that were not listed above, what should be done if a respondent describes behavior that is specified elsewhere on the problem list?
- What if a respondent can’t read English but can read a different language?
- How is item 100 figured in the total score?
- The forms instruct the respondent to base ratings on the previous 2 months. What if a form is to be readministered over intervals of less than 2 months?
- Can other assessment procedures – such as play sessions, tests, behavioral observations, and family assessment – be used with the ASEBA forms?
- How do the profiles differ from the previous additions for CBCL 1.5-5 forms?
- Should extremely low scores be considered deviant?
- What if a respondent can’t read well enough to complete a form?
- Can the forms be used for ages below 1.5 and above 5?
- In daycare and preschool settings, who should be asked to fill out the C-TRF on a particular child?
- If multiple staff members are available to complete the C-TRF, should they collaborate in completing a single C-TRF, or should they independently complete separate C-TRFs?
- Can homecare providers and babysitters fill out the C-TRF?
- What if daycare or preschool staff say they don’t know enough about a child to score certain items?
- Don’t certain items involve subjective judgments, such as 27. Doesn’t seem to feel guilty after misbehaving and 33. Feelings are easily hurt?
- Can the CBCL/1.5-5 be filled out by people other than parents?
- Are there machine-readable or web-based versions of the forms?
- If respondents fill out the forms, won’t this cause them to focus exclusively on the individual who is being assessed instead of on family or marital relationships?
- What if a respondent endorses two different items when his/her comments indicate that the endorsements of both items refer to the same behavior or characteristic?
- Can hand scoring be made quicker and easier?
- Should extremely low scores on problem scales be considered deviant?
- How are data coordinated from different informants?
- What if a respondent can’t read well enough to complete a form?
- Can other assessment procedures be used with the ASEBA forms?
- What gender should a transgender client use when completing an ASEBA form?
- What if a respondent endorses two different items when his/her comments indicate that the endorsements of both items refer to exactly the same problem?
- Are there machine-readable versions of the forms?
- Can hand-scoring be made quicker and easier?
- Can the forms be used outside their designated age ranges?
- The ASR and ABCL instruct the respondent to base ratings on the previous 6 months. What if a form is to be readministered over intervals of less than 6 months?
- If respondents fill out the forms, won’t this cause them to focus on the individual’s problems instead of family or marital relationships?
- What if the respondent circles two scores for a particular item or otherwise indicates that the item is true of the adult but does not clearly indicate a score of 1 or 2?
- The informant has filled out and submitted the form; why won’t the scores show?
- I’m getting an error stating that PROFILE NOT DISPLAYED: More than 20 problem item are missing, Age or Gender are missing, or The scores could not be computed due to missing or invalid data when trying to score a report.
- How do I add a form?
- Where can I find forms recently completed by informants (ASEBA-Web)?
- How can I avoid storing PHI on a workstation with ASEBA-PC?
- Who or what is an assessed person?
- May I make copies of the ASEBA forms?
- Can I use a subset of the items on the forms?
- Can I use a rating period of less than the specified 2 or 6 months? How often can I readminister a form?
- What training do I need to use the ASEBA forms?
- What is an informant?
- What changes were made following the switch from DSM-4 to DSM-5?
- How often can an individual be assessed?
- At how young an age can a child be validly assessed?
- Into what languages have the forms been translated?
- Some of my clients don’t read or speak English. Can I make translations of your forms for them?
- Is there an IQ level required for a respondent to fill out a form?
- Are my forms the most current version?
- Can the forms be administered orally or over the telephone?
- The CBCL/6-18 and the TRF/6-18 both cover the same age range. How do I decide between them?
- In schools, who should be asked to fill out the TRF on a particular child?
- Can the CBCL/6-18 and the CBCL/1½-5 be filled out by people other than parents?
- Are the ASEBA instruments valid for children with Down Syndrome?
- If preschool ASEBA forms for ages 1½-5 are completed for a child and school-age ASEBA forms are completed when the child is older, how can the scores from the earlier and later assessments be compared?
- Can forms be used outside their designated age ranges?