Technical Support for ASEBA® Software Products
How do I import data from ADM into ASEBA-PC and Aseba-Web?
1 min read
1. Open ADM, Click START button. Go to Tools, Export Data for Analysis.

2. Leave the default checked Export Data for Analysis, Click Next.

3. Select where to export the data or leave on default folder, name the file, and choose CSV as the file format to export, Click Next.

4. Select criteria to export or don’t select anything for all information to be exported, Click Next.

5. The number of individuals and forms to be exported will be visible. Review the export folder path and the name of the file. Click Export.

6. The program will say finished when done. Click Exit.

7. Open ASEBA-PC or ASEBA-Web, and log in. Select IMPORT DATA tab, and Select IMPORT DATA again, click on the drop-down arrow next to File Format and choose ADM CSV File. Click Next.

8. Click on Select files to browse the saved ADM export file. Once selected, click Next.

9. Select the Directory to import the data to. The default is Root. Click Next.

10. The program will say that the filelooks good and is ready for importing. Click on the Start Processing tab. Below is ASEBA-Web view.

Below is the ASEBA-PC view.

11. The program will then say Done importing when finished importing data. Click Save.
ASEBA-Web view.

ASEBA-PC view.

12. The file will appear under the DIRECTORIES tab in left hand colum with the date and time of import. Expand the folder to see all the assessed persons and their forms.