Technical Support for ASEBA® Software Products
Clinical Questions
- Using the ASEBA with People Who May Identify as Nonbinary
- How ASEBA scoring software handles scoring of forms with incomplete or missing data
- If someone wishes to obtain a normative sample for a society not listed in Table 2-1, how should they do this?
- What about children from an indigenous minority group within a society when a normative sample is available for the entire society?
- How are clinical interpretations and decisions for a particular individual made on the basis of norms for particular societies?
- What norms should I use for OASRs and OABCLs completed by people from societies that are not listed in Table 2-1?
- Can the CBCL be filled out by people other than parents?
- How are clinical interpretations and decisions for a particular child made on the basis of norms for particular societies?
- For assessing immigrant children, how should I choose whether to display scale scores in relation to norms for the child’s home society or the host society?
- What if only the pre-2001 editions are available in translations of a particular language?
- For immigrants, how should I choose whether to display scale scores in relation to norms for the child’s home society or the host society?
- How should users decide whether to show cross-informant bar graphs to partners who have completed OASRs to describe themselves and OABCLs to describe their partner?
- Why aren’t multicultural norms available for the hand-scored OASR and OABCL profiles?
- Why aren’t multicultural norms available for the hand-scored CBCL and C-TRF profiles?
- Why aren’t there multicultural norm groups for the tobacco, alcohol, and drug items?
- Should cross-informant data be shown to youths?
- What norms should I use for CBCLs and C-TRFs completed by people from societies that are not listed in Table 2-1?
- If someone wishes to obtain a normative sample for a society not listed in Table 2-1, how should they do this?
- What if only the pre-2000 edition of the CBCL/1½-5 is available in a particular language?
- Why aren’t multicultural norms available for the hand-scored CBCL, TRF, and YSR profiles?
- What if I want to display an individual’s scores in relation to norms for a society that is not listed in this Supplement?
- How can I obtain translations of ASEBA forms?
- What translations of ASEBA forms are available?
- Should youths who are the identified clients be asked to complete the ABCL to describe their parent figure(s)?
- For immigrants, how should I choose whether to display scale scores in relation to norms for the immigrant’s home society or the host society?
- What about individuals from an indigenous minority group within a society when a normative sample is available for the entire society?
- What if the mean Total Problems scores for additional societies are found to be far below the existing Group 1 mean scores or far above the existing Group 3 mean scores?
- What cross-informant data should users show clients?
- Whose consent is needed before bar graph comparisons of scale scores are shown to clients?
- How are clinical interpretations and decisions for a particular individual made on the basis of norms for particular societies?
- How should users decide whether to show parent figures cross-informant bar graphs that include scale scores for CBCLs completed by the parent figures?
- How should users decide whether to show cross-informant bar graphs to partners who have completed ASRs to describe themselves and ABCLs to describe their partner?
- Why don’t the MMO/18-59 and MFAM display cross-informant comparisons of adaptive functioning scores?
- What if I want a particular form for which a translation is not available?
- What norms should I use for ASRs and ABCLs completed by people from societies that are not listed in Table 2-1?
- Why aren’t multicultural norms available for the hand-scored ASR and ABCL profiles?
- How do the profiles differ from the previous editions?
- On item 113. Please write in any problems the child has that were not listed above, what should be done if a respondent describes a problem that is specified elsewhere on the problem list?
- Don’t certain items involve subjective judgments, such as 35. Feels worthless or inferior and 53. Feels too guilty?
- What if teachers say they don’t know enough about a child to score certain items?
- If both parents or multiple school staff members are available to complete the CBCL or TRF, should they collaborate in completing a single form, or should they independently complete separate forms?
- Will norms be added for more societies?
- The CBCL and YSR instruct the respondent to base ratings on the previous 6 months. What if a form is to be readministered over intervals of less than 6 months?
- How is item 113 on the CBCL and TRF figured in the total score?
- How are the Total Competence, Adaptive Functioning, and Total Problems scores used?
- Why aren’t there multicultural norm groups for the tobacco, alcohol, and drug items?
- What was the basis for the Personal Strengths multicultural norm groups?
- Why are the CBCL and TRF said to have 120 problem items when the item numbers only go to 113?
- Why is the YSR said to have 105 problem items when the item numbers go to 112?
- What was the basis for the adaptive functioning multicultural norm groups?
- Why was the Total Problems score used as the basis for selecting Group 1, 2 and 3 societies for the problem scale norms?
- Is there a “lie” scale for the profiles?
- What are the “DSM-oriented” scales?
- For longitudinal research how can correlations be computed between the preschool scores and subsequent scores on the school-age forms?
- If the preschool forms are completed for a child and the school-age CBCL or TRF is completed when the child is older, how can the scores from the earlier and later assessments be compared?
- What is the earliest age at which expressive language delays can be identified?
- For longitudinal research, how can deviance on the preschool scales be analyzed in relation to deviance on the school-age scales scored later for the same children?
- Can daycare providers fill out the LDS?
- Should the LDS be used if a language other than English is spoken in the home?
- Can the parent include words the child says imitatively?
- What if the child uses a word such as “brush” to indicate an action, but the word is listed under the category of “Personal” words?
- Can the LDS be used for children older than 35 months?
- What if the parent writes down words that are not among the 310 on the vocabulary list?
- What if the parent writes that the child produces phrases or sentences but does not give any examples?
- How accurate are parents’ reports of vocabulary?
- Should there be separate norms for mothers’ and fathers’ CBCL/1.5-5 ratings or for different ethnic groups?
- Why are there separate cutpoints for boys vs girls for the vocabulary score but not for average length of phrases?
- How much of a change in a child’s score on a scale should be considered “real” change?
- What if the respondent scores two different items when his/her comments indicate that they refer to exactly the same problem?
- On item 100. Please write in any problems the child has that were not listed above, what should be done if a respondent describes behavior that is specified elsewhere on the problem list?
- How is item 100 figured in the total score?
- The forms instruct the respondent to base ratings on the previous 2 months. What if a form is to be readministered over intervals of less than 2 months?
- How do the profiles differ from the previous additions for CBCL 1.5-5 forms?
- Should extremely low scores be considered deviant?
- What if a respondent can’t read well enough to complete a form?
- How do we use ASEBA scoring products for people who identify as non-conforming gender identity?
- Can the forms be used for ages below 1.5 and above 5?
- In daycare and preschool settings, who should be asked to fill out the C-TRF on a particular child?
- If multiple staff members are available to complete the C-TRF, should they collaborate in completing a single C-TRF, or should they independently complete separate C-TRFs?
- Can homecare providers and babysitters fill out the C-TRF?
- What if daycare or preschool staff say they don’t know enough about a child to score certain items?
- Don’t certain items involve subjective judgments, such as 27. Doesn’t seem to feel guilty after misbehaving and 33. Feelings are easily hurt?
- Can social desirability, lying, and other informant characteristics such as depression cause biases in scores?
- Can the CBCL/1.5-5 be filled out by people other than parents?
- How can data from the OASR and OABCL be coordinated for research purposes?
- Why are no Internalizing or Externalizing scales scored from the older adult forms?
- For assessing outcomes and doing longitudinal research, how can deviance on the adult scales be analyzed in relation to deviance on the older adult scales scored later for the same individuals?
- For longitudinal research, how can correlations be computed between scores obtained on the ages 18-59 forms and scores obtained later on the older adult forms?
- If ASEBA forms for ages 18 to 59 are completed for an individual and older adult ASEBA forms are subsequently completed for the same individual, how can the scores from the earlier and later assessments be compared?
- Why are there gaps between successive raw scores on some scales of the profiles?
- Is there a “lie” scale for the profiles?
- Why do the profiles show gaps between successive raw scores on some scales?
- Why are no norms shown for the “Other Problems” listed on the Profile?
- If respondents fill out the forms, won’t this cause them to focus exclusively on the individual who is being assessed instead of on family or marital relationships?
- What if a respondent endorses two different items when his/her comments indicate that the endorsements of both items refer to the same behavior or characteristic?
- What if the respondent circles two scores for a particular item or otherwise indicates that the item is true of the assessed adult but does not clearly indicate a score of 1 or 2?
- What are the “DSM-oriented” scales?
- How is the Total Problems score used?
- What if there are disagreements between scores obtained from different informants?
- Should extremely low scores on problem scales be considered deviant?
- Are extremely low scores on problem scales be considered deviant?
- How are data coordinated from different informants?
- In evaluating individuals, how much of a change in scale scores should be considered a “real” change?
- If two or more informants are available to complete the OABCL, should they collaborate in completing a single OABCL, or should they independently complete separate OABCLs?
- What if informants say they don’t know enough about an older adult to rate certain items?
- Don’t certain items involve subjective judgments, such as 23. Feels too guilty and 32. Feels worthless or inferior?
- The OASR and OABCL instruct respondents to base ratings on the previous 2 months. What if a form is to be readministered over intervals of less than 2 months?
- How do the OASR and OABCL differ from the ASR and ABCL?
- With school age informants, how can the scores from the earlier and later assessments be compared?
- Are there short forms that take less time to fill out?
- What if a respondent can’t read well enough to complete a form?
- Can other assessment procedures be used with the ASEBA forms?
- What gender should a transgender client use when completing an ASEBA form?
- What if a respondent endorses two different items when his/her comments indicate that the endorsements of both items refer to exactly the same problem?